Art Mazzei
550 Union Square
New Hope PA 18938
office: 215-862-5500 x111
mobile: 610.428.4885
Contact Me
About Art
Getting to know me…
I guess that when I was in my childhood, the first makings of a Realtor developed. My father was a contractor and nothing to me was more exciting that visiting a new home under construction and the smell of pine.
However, life took a different turn and I started a 30 year career teaching high school English in the New York School System. While I graded compositions and listened to Richard the III rant about a “kingdom for a horse”, I reflected on my past and knew that salesmanship needed to be in my future. Thus, my real estate career began and somehow I managed to juggle my educational career with the world of “metes and bounds.”
During this time I rose to the #2 position in a prominent real estate firm in Bucks County and by the time I retired, I had risen to the #1 sales position in a company of 80 agents.
Today, I am a partner in Addison Wolfe Real Estate, an agency that claims 35 fellow realtors on its roster and an impressively large market share for the Center City to Bucks County to Lehigh Valley demographics.
I would have to say that part of my success is my years in education…working with daily problems, adjusting to personalities and developing a level of patience that only 30 years in the classroom can provide.
Working with you would be my pleasure and developing a reciprocity of understanding with each other would also be a significant part of our relationship. I assure you that I will not bore you with the introspection of a Hamlet, but I can guarantee you that I will be more of a salesman than Willy Loman.